
Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP)

What is HPSP?

The Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) is a comprehensive scholarship program that assists medical and dental students with school tuition and fees in exchange for their commitment to military service. The scholarship offers many benefits, including tuition coverage, reimbursement for books and other fees, a monthly stipend to assist with living costs, and many others.

HPSP scholarship benefits and requirements are slightly different between the military branches that offer it (Army, Navy, and Air Force). This page provides resources and advice for current and future Harvard Medical School HPSP students.

What if I want more information about HPSP?

Students who have already completed part of their medical or dental education can still apply for HPSP Scholarships. In order to apply, contact a recruiter within the respective branch of the military you are interested in serving in, and they will direct the application process from there!

Feel free to ask your Civ-Mil Collaborative leadership to connect you with HPSP students at HMS!



Air Force:


The Civ-Mil Collaborative wants to extend a thank you to the HPSP Students from the Class of 2021 for assisting with providing advice for navigating HPSP at HMS.