HPSP is a unique scholarship with unique requirements. Sometimes it can be challenging to meet these requirements while managing a busy medical school schedule. Below are some FAQs answered by HPSP students at HMS.


There is a lot of information out there about HPSP, how do I know what to do and when?

To be successful, read all emails from HPSP thoroughly. These will provide you with the information you need to be successful! Specifically, read your emails about how to use the AMRDEC SAFE site to submit PII to make sure your files are uploaded correctly and downloaded in time. 

The Practice of Medicine Equipment is a bit expensive, will I be reimbursed for this?

Yes, but be patient. Sometimes the reimbursement orders take a long time, so plan for some delay in buying the equipment and being reimbursed. 

When is the best time for the Officer Development School?

Worry about doing just school orders for your first year. Worry about trying to fit in ODS some other time down the line when you have more time. 

Any other advice for Navy HPSP Students?

Make sure you sign up for the military hospital sub-internships as early as possible (try to get your application in on the first day that they start to accept them!)

If you are an HPSP student and have a question not answered by this page, please contact the Civ-Mil Collaborative leadership to connect you with an HPSP student who may be able to help.

If you are an HPSP student and have advice for your fellow students, please submit it to the Civ-Mil Collaborative leadership and it will be added to the page. 


Harvard Medical School
25 Shattuck St
Gordon Hall
Boston, MA 02115